Arcadia: Galway - National University of Ireland, Galway
- Hosted at: University of Galway
- Location(s): Galway, Ireland
- Program Type(s): Study Abroad
1029 reviews
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A globally focused, research-led university, National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway) was established in 1845 and its iconic quadrangle building welcomed students four years later. Today it is home to 18,000 students, 4,000 of which are ... read more
All Reviews
Sooooooo worthwhile. I learned so much about myself and a place and culture I love. A student - Middlebury College View Entire Review
Being able to live on my own, meeting new people, understanding politics in a different sphere, international travel experience. Yes Aidan B - Brandeis University View Entire Review
While I believe I did gain a lot of independence skills, I am not sure I couldn't have learned them while living in a similar housing situation at my home university. If I could go back and do it again I think I would not have gone abroad at all. I would have been better off staying at my home university. A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
What I gained from this experience will be influencing me for the rest of my life. I became so much more independent and confident in myself. I learned so much about the culture and history of Ireland. I met so many people and learned about lifestyles I've never been exposed to before. I learned about what I valued and loved... Kailey D - Trinity University View Entire Review
So much about different cultures, and learning to be on my own. It really challenged me to prioritize and be confident in who I am, even if it's not the way others around me are or want me to be. Heather B - Trinity University View Entire Review
Became more independent and saw the world! Yes!! A student - Providence College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about different cultures and got to see what life was like outside of America. Very worthwhile. A student - Providence College View Entire Review
Definitely worthwhile A student - Providence College View Entire Review
I really learned more about myself during this experience. I was forced to break out of my comfort zone, which was difficult at first, but has shaped who I am today. Traveling around Europe strengthened my experience further because I had to face pleasant, as well as difficult, situations. A student - Providence College View Entire Review
learned more about cultures A student - Providence College View Entire Review
Everything. Absolutely Ryan F - Providence College View Entire Review
It was definitely worth while, if for no other reason than it fulfilled a personal goal and I was able to prove to myself that I could do it. A student - Providence College View Entire Review
So much knowledge about other cultures, new friends, independence A student - Roger Williams University View Entire Review
Yes, I really enjoyed learning and studying in a different country. It was interesting to be able to learn about topics from a perspective other than America's perspective. A student - Berea College View Entire Review
I valued the opportunity to see a different culture and a different educational system from my own as well as the opportunity to travel throughout Europe on a budget. A student - Barnard College View Entire Review
I learned how to listen and learn and look A student - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Living abroad is the best experience you can ask for. You learn a lot about yourself, as well as, the world in general. Shannen H - Fordham University View Entire Review
I realized how to live on my own and how to become accustomed to a culture that is different from my own. Jackson B - Trinity University View Entire Review
This was the best experience of my life and I cannot wait to go back. I learned so much about people from all over the world and how different/similar things are. A student - Providence College View Entire Review
I learned a lot about Irish culture! Totally worthwhile. A student - Western Washington University View Entire Review
Definitely worthwhile. I explored different cultures and feel much more independent now. A student - Providence College View Entire Review
I learned how different cultures around the world are, and how they influence the way people act. It was the most worthwhile thing I have ever done. Luke M - Fordham University View Entire Review
I learned so much about my own strength, and what I am capable of doing. I also learned that it is more valuable to go into strange waters than keep to ones you know. I learned about Ireland and Irish Culture, I learned Irish drinking songs, and pub life. I learned about Paris, Hungary, Sardinia, England, and how wonderful and c... Elizabeth F - Barnard College View Entire Review
It was totally worthwhile. I learned about a new culture and gained a new perspective on life. The Irish have a very distinctive character and are fascinating to interact with. Their outlook on life is much less driven than the american outlook. Ireland definitely got me to relax about my impending graduation in May. As bad as... Charlotte C - Trinity University View Entire Review
I learned to be more open. I learned a bit of Irish. Gained gratitude towards other countries, opened my eyes to the different experiences. I learned to play rugby and really connected with a team. This helped me make bonds with local students and maintain close friendships while I came back to the states. It was such a great ex... Brittany M - University of Texas - San Antonio View Entire Review
A globally focused, research-led university, National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway) was established in 1845 and its iconic quadrangle building welcomed students four years later. Today it is home to 18,000 students, 4,000 of which are international, from 110 countries.
You’ll be able to choose from the University's extensive variety of course offerings in the humanities, sciences, business, engineering and law. To make the most out of the study abroad experience, many students take advantage of courses in Irish history, language and culture.
Special Academic Opportunities: NUI Galway offers both a service learning option for study abroad students, as well a practice-based learning of indigenous Irish music, song and dance.
Galway is distinguished in the med-tech field with numerous industry leaders based in the city, and NUI Galway features a Biomedical Science building that supports the research of over 300 scientists working in areas including regenerative medicine, stem cell research, cancer biology, and biomaterials. Research priorities in other disciplinary areas have included nanotechnology, Celtic civilization, human settlement and historical change, and integrated digital enterprises, amongst many others.
The campus is located just fifteen minutes from the center of Galway. The city is the most international in Ireland, and is also known as Ireland’s cultural capital. It’s situated in the unique landscape and cultural frame of the west of Ireland.
While all instruction is officially in English, NUI Galway maintains a strong commitment to Irish language which is spoken both on campus and in the surrounding area.
The city is home to numerous cultural amenities and a lively sense of history and culture.
Campus life features 160 clubs and societies, sporting facilities (including a swimming pool), and an active Students’ Union, which hosts a full calendar of events.
Travel to fascinating places of interest that enhance your cultural immersion and give a meaningful context to your academic courses. Here is a sampling:
You’ll be able to choose from the University's extensive variety of course offerings in the humanities, sciences, business, engineering and law. To make the most out of the study abroad experience, many students take advantage of courses in Irish history, language and culture.
Special Academic Opportunities: NUI Galway offers both a service learning option for study abroad students, as well a practice-based learning of indigenous Irish music, song and dance.
Galway is distinguished in the med-tech field with numerous industry leaders based in the city, and NUI Galway features a Biomedical Science building that supports the research of over 300 scientists working in areas including regenerative medicine, stem cell research, cancer biology, and biomaterials. Research priorities in other disciplinary areas have included nanotechnology, Celtic civilization, human settlement and historical change, and integrated digital enterprises, amongst many others.
The campus is located just fifteen minutes from the center of Galway. The city is the most international in Ireland, and is also known as Ireland’s cultural capital. It’s situated in the unique landscape and cultural frame of the west of Ireland.
While all instruction is officially in English, NUI Galway maintains a strong commitment to Irish language which is spoken both on campus and in the surrounding area.
The city is home to numerous cultural amenities and a lively sense of history and culture.
Campus life features 160 clubs and societies, sporting facilities (including a swimming pool), and an active Students’ Union, which hosts a full calendar of events.
Travel to fascinating places of interest that enhance your cultural immersion and give a meaningful context to your academic courses. Here is a sampling:
- Belfast Weekend
- Giant's Causeway
- Cliffs of Moher
- Bunratty Castle & Folk Park
- Game of Thrones set locations
- and more...
Arcadia is a nationally recognized leader in higher education, offering exceptional study, research and internship experiences for students from colleges and universities across the US. Our unique combination of customized, diverse academic programming and comprehensive support allows students to explore new worlds, get to know themselves, boost their resumes for future job opportunities and graduate school, and experience the incredible growth and shifts in perspective that a culturally immersive experience can deliver.
Please check our website for dates and the latest program information.
Program Type(s):
Study AbroadProgram Length(s):
- Fall
- Spring
- Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
- English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
- Irish Studies
- Communication and Media Studies
- Computer and Information Sciences
- Engineering
- Foreign Languages and Literatures
- Celtic Languages, Literature
- Legal Studies
- English Language and Literature
- Creative Writing
- Biology and Biomedical Sciences
- Pharmacology, Toxicology
- Mathematics, Statistics
- Marine Sciences
- Chemistry
- Archeology
- Criminology
- Economics
- Geography
- Political Science and Government
- Sociology
- Dance
- Film, Video, Photographic Arts
- Business
- Business Communications
- History
Minimum GPA:
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Arcadia Scholarships
Arcadia aims to help students for whom financial assistance can mean the difference between participating on an Arcadia program and staying home. Arcadia scholarships are awarded to eligible applicants based on need. Approximately 70% of study abroad students who apply for aid from Arcadia receive some form of award
Applications are received on a rolling basis.
Only students who have been accepted to a program from Arcadia Abroad will be considered for an award.
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