Arcadia: London - Arcadia in London

6 recent reviews

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London has everything! It’s well-connected by transport, offers millennia of rich history and cultural treasures, has a population that is highly multicultural, diverse and inclusive, and offers an almost inexhaustible array of activities and reso... read more

All Reviews

Based on 6 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
I think it was just the ability to adapt and adjust to cultural differences in the workplace to achieve the best work possible. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
August 11, 2024 Awesome
learned how big the world is - Brandeis University View Entire Review
July 17, 2024 A Great Time
I gained a lot of experience abt the culture - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Past Review Amazing.
That I'm good on my own and it was very worthwhile. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
Past Review Excellent
I learned how to built relationship with international people View Entire Review
Past Review A Memory
Traveling is easy - Arcadia University View Entire Review
Yes it was worthwhile. I learned a lot about myself and what I can handle as well as the way in which others live. - University of Minnesota - Twin Cities View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with Arcadia: London - Arcadia in London
I gained a sense of independence in the way that I would navigate the city alone and not be afraid to do so. I learned about an entirely different culture and way of life. It was definitely worthwhile and if I could do it again, I would in a heartbeat. - Arcadia University View Entire Review
I became more independent thanks to London transport, and I learned how to be on my own in public places. I gained a sense of adventure and confidence on my travels to other parts of Europe as well. I was so wonderful to live in another world for six months. - King's College London View Entire Review
How much there is to know about the world around us and we don't really know anything here in the states. - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
It was a very worthwhile experience. Even though my courses were demanding I would do it all over again. - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
How to live abroad and travel well. Yes absolutely, but not much thanks to Arcadia. - Tufts University View Entire Review
I loved going over there and I loved my experience. I think I enjoyed it as much as I did because I made it a good time even with the horrible program I chose. - Austin College View Entire Review
January 30, 2025 Great
I learned more time management. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I learned immensely through my internships. I would say this experience is difficult at times but worthwhile. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
It was absolutely worthwhile. I think it helped me find out who I am and what I love - Queen Mary University of London View Entire Review
I gained a lot of independence and I feel like my global and cultural awareness grew. - Trinity University View Entire Review
Visiting London for four months was a worthwhile experience as I was able to spend an ample amount of time absorbing the value of the city, its museums, and central location for traveling to Scotland and France on several occasions. - Trinity University View Entire Review
I gained tough skin and how to be more independent. - University of Minnesota - Twin Cities View Entire Review
The traveling gave me a new perspective on life. In addition unlike most I went abroad without my friends so I made lots of new great friends. A very lovely experience. - Brandeis University View Entire Review
I got to be a lot more independent - Trinity University View Entire Review
I gained a great sense of independence and I matured a lot. - Middlebury College View Entire Review
Past Review Life Changing
I learned to be more independent, I learned about myself and about many countries and cultures in Europe. I learned about standardized medicine and how different the education system is abroad. - Trinity University View Entire Review
Past Review Awesome
new cultures, new people, lots of traveling - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review
Absolutely, I want to live abroad or travel frequently for my future job. I can't wait to go back to London, it holds a special place in my heart <3 - The University of Texas at Austin View Entire Review


London has everything! It’s well-connected by transport, offers millennia of rich history and cultural treasures, has a population that is highly multicultural, diverse and inclusive, and offers an almost inexhaustible array of activities and resources for every kind of student. It is helpful to many that it is officially English-speaking, but it is also one of its great strengths that English is only one of dozens of languages you’ll hear spoken there.

Arcadia Abroad has had a continuously operating program in London since 1965. Generations of students have been transformed by our unique blend of site-specific curricular offerings, comprehensive student services, and individually tailored guidance. All these decades of student interaction have taught us that no two students are alike, and we’ll work with you and your goals.

If you’re a seasoned traveler, great! We expect you to attend all required programming and check ins, and to respond to us promptly in emergencies. Otherwise we’ll respect your independence and be there when you need us. If you need help finding your feet, also great! We’ll provide as much support as you need in your classes and in life. No matter what kind of student you are, you will transform in London, and return to the US with a view on life and the world that will do wonders for your future.

Arcadia Abroad has worked with both local faculty and partner institutions in London to create an array of Center-based and direct enroll courses to enable you to take what you need while abroad to satisfy major requirements and graduate on time. You can choose to study within a familiar American university system by taking all your courses at the Arcadia London Center, in the heart of the city. Or, you can mix our courses with electives chosen from a select group of  London partner institutions.  If you'd like to add an internship option to your study, check out the London Internship Program.

Program features:

Arcadia London Center faculty and staff are pros at navigating London – and soon, you will be, too.

Arcadia excursions, events and activities bring the city to life, live and in person.  We offer a reading week break mid-semester, during which some students choose to travel independently.

Travel to fascinating places of interest that enhance your cultural immersion and give a meaningful context to your academic courses. Here is a sampling:

  • Harry Potter Studio Tour

  • Tower of London

  • London Street Art Tour

  • Hampton Court Day Excursion

  • Keats House

  • and more...


Arcadia is a nationally recognized leader in higher education, offering exceptional study, research and internship experiences for students from colleges and universities across the US. Our unique combination of customized, diverse academic programming and comprehensive support allows students to explore new worlds, get to know themselves, boost their resumes for future job opportunities and graduate school, and experience the incredible growth and shifts in perspective that a culturally immersive experience can deliver.

Please check our website for dates and the latest program information.

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Area, Ethnic and Group Studies
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Journalism
  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Engineering
  • English Language and Literature
  • Ecology, Evolution Biology
  • Mathematics, Statistics
  • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Astronomy, Astrophysics
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Economics
  • International Relations
  • Political Science and Government
  • Sociology and Anthropology
  • Film, Video, Photographic Arts
  • Fine Arts, Studio Arts
  • Music
  • Business
  • Accounting
  • Human Resources Management
  • Marketing
  • History
  • Art History, Criticism and Conservation
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
Take me there!


Arcadia Scholarships

Arcadia aims to help students for whom financial assistance can mean the difference between participating on an Arcadia program and staying home. Arcadia scholarships are awarded to eligible applicants based on need. Approximately 70% of study abroad students who apply for aid from Arcadia receive some form of award


Applications are received on a rolling basis.

Only students who have been accepted to a program from Arcadia Abroad will be considered for an award.



