The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Thailand - Semester in Chiang Mai

12 recent reviews
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Immerse yourself in Thai culture with this study abroad program based in Chiang Mai focusing on Thailand- and Southeast Asia-related studies such as Buddhism, public health, human rights, international relations, political science, history and art... read more

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Based on 12 Reviews
Cost of Living
Overall Experience
One big thing I learned was about the effects of US involvement. Many decisions our country has made have great implications on the rest of the world. I never truly comprehended that until seeing things for myself. - University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh View Entire Review
My time abroad was definitely worthwhile. Prior to this trip, I had no international travel. Now, I consider myself to be a more confident person in general. I gained more awareness of my role as a global citizen. Studying abroad broadened my world view and made me gain a deeper appreciation of people and the earth. I learned to... - University of Massachusetts Amherst / UMass View Entire Review
You don’t realize how far a simple smile can go until you experience it in place of words, and I don’t think there was one day I didn’t feel the radiating kindness. From the wholesome, simple lifestyle in the village, to the music blasting at Zoe in Yellow, each person reflected pure joy in what they were doing because they did ... - Pennsylvania State University - University Park / Penn State View Entire Review
I learned how to better get out of my comfort zone and better listen to other people. As an outsider, I wanted to respect Thai culture as much as possible and through studying abroad, my eyes were opened to new cultures, experiences, and adventures. This experience was 100% worthwhile. - Winthrop University View Entire Review
I learned so much about myself, Thailand, and SE Asia throughout my experience abroad. I have never established such deep connections with friends so quickly. It was very easy to find home in Chiang Mai. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming and it completely opened my eyes to a different way of life and was such a positive chan... - Eugene Lang College - The New School for Liberal Arts View Entire Review
I learned to be a kinder person. From living in Chiang Mai for a semester and traveling to a few countries in Southeast Asia, I was met with a kindness and unselfishness I have never witnessed before. I learned to listen, say yes and treat others with kindness and laughter. I learned to walk slow, embrace the heat and always smi... - Cornell University View Entire Review
From my experience, I learned independence. I learned how to live in a culture so different from my own and love it for all that it is. I gained a sense of self being able to thrive in another country, and I will forever be thankful for that. Thailand became a home away from home and the level of comfort I felt in Chiang Mai is ... - University of Georgia View Entire Review
As you read in my title, I am a better friend, daughter and person because of Chiang Mai. It taught me more about myself than I realized I had to learn. The patience and cultural appreciation you learn to have for the people and the country come back to the states with you and I truly think they will make you a better person bec... - Pennsylvania State University - University Park / Penn State View Entire Review
Where do I start? I learned about the costs of Western influence and the tourism industry, the effects of a long-term refugee crisis and the dynamics of a Buddhist state. I also learned a lot about my personal travel style and tested my socializing skills. - Salem College View Entire Review
I learned so much about travelling and going with the flow. Things don't always turn out perfect but you have to make them work. I gained so much confidence to travel because of my time in Thailand. - Iowa State University View Entire Review
TEAN really makes sure that you get comfortable in your new environment, and that means living with the locals. You learn so much more this way, about the Asian culture and way of life. It was absolutely worthwhile, I would go back in a heartbeat. - Emmanuel College (Massachusetts) View Entire Review
Too many things to mention, I gained an understanding of Thai culture as well as asian culture in general, an appreciation for spicy food, amazing friends that I know will be life long friends, an understanding of Asian Relations and politics. It was absolutely worthwhile. - College of Charleston View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Thailand - Semester in Chiang Mai
As I learned about Thailand and Asia in general I unexpectedly learned almost just as much about myself, my culture, and my home country. I learned to go with the flow and lets thing happen as they do. - Colorado State University View Entire Review
I gained so much knowledge about what life is like in another country. I learned different perspectives on issues I didn't even know existed. My experience in Thailand was beyond worthwhile. - Temple University View Entire Review
I learned not only about Thai society and culture but also about myself in the best possible way. - University of Utah View Entire Review
I learned how to admire and participate in Thai culture while also respecting the practices. I gained a newfound understanding of Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries roles in geopolitics (which is extremely important if you've only been exposed to Western countries' roles). I learned how to be more patient and more unde... - Lehigh University View Entire Review
I gained a broader knowledge on the world and different cultures. I learned a lot about myself and what I want to do in the future. - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo View Entire Review
TEAN's courses expanded on topics rarely discussed in the United States and utilized the country around it for hands-on lesson, making going to class enjoyable and exciting. Not only am I more aware of different cultures and lifestyles, but more accepting and willing to try new ideas. I am now able to reflect on so many wonder... - High Point University View Entire Review
Through this program, I was able to step out of my comfort zone and experience a one in a lifetime opportunity! One of my favorite memories from this program would be the one week home-stay we did in the beginning of the semester. Despite not knowing the language, I truly developed a relationship with my family that I'll never f... - Pace University View Entire Review
While studying abroad I learned skills I cannot learn anywhere else. I learned how to adapt to a new environment, language, and culture. I gained valuable intercultural communication skills and learned new perspectives on global issues. I also gained personal growth. I was able to break out of my comfort zone while abroad and I'... - Miami University View Entire Review
A student studying abroad with The Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Thailand - Semester in Chiang Mai
I'm a peer advisor in Pace's Study Abroad office, and what I always tell my students is that the number one thing I got, and that people tend to get from study abroad, is personal growth. I became so much more open and willing to do things and expand my horizons, and I was more adventurous than I've ever been before in my life. ... - Pace University View Entire Review
It was very much so worth while I learned so much about myself and I also learned so much about a beautiful culture very different from the culture in the US - Xavier University View Entire Review
A lot of interpersonal skills. Communication skills. Cultural sensitivity and diversity. Yes worthwhile. - Quinnipiac University View Entire Review
There is so much beauty in this world that is so unknown to people. We all rush through school to get to the real world of working at some fancy place where we hopefully make a lot of money, but is that really living? Traveling is about learning about yourself, stepping out of your comfort zone, making the best of friends, and ... - Michigan State University View Entire Review
I wouldn't trade my experience for the world. I discovered that outside my comfort zone was where actual comfort and happiness was, that people have an amazing capacity for compassion even for strangers, and that doing anything other than what makes me happy is a waste of time. - University of Kentucky View Entire Review


Immerse yourself in Thai culture with this study abroad program based in Chiang Mai focusing on Thailand- and Southeast Asia-related studies such as Buddhism, public health, human rights, international relations, political science, history and art. Known as Thailand’s cultural capital, Chiang Mai is a major hub for students who appreciate its awesome beauty and affordable cost of living. With a required Thai language course, a homestay in a rural Thai village, the support of Thai student buddies, and even the option to have a local Thai student as a roommate, students integrate into the local university life. 

Program Type(s):
Study Abroad
Program Length(s):
  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Academic Year
Instruction Language(s):
  • Thai
  • English
Relevant Study Subject(s):
  • Asian Studies
  • East Asian Studies
  • Thai Language and Literature
  • Philosophy and Religious Studies
  • Social Sciences
  • International Relations
  • Political Science and Government
  • Dance
  • Public Health
Minimum GPA:
Year Founded:
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The Education Abroad Network (TEAN) Scholarships

The Education Abroad Network Full Ride Scholarship is designed to give a stand-out student the opportunity to study abroad. Studying abroad is a personal journey and the winning applicant will show us not only the journey they’ve been on to arrive at this point, but also the journey they envision studying abroad will entail. This annual scholarship can be used for TEAN program and covers tuition, program fees and orientation orientation (up to $15,000 value).

Up to $15,000 USD

Oct 15

- Students can apply for a Merit, Need or Diversity TEAN Scholarship by the deadline to be considered. - Must meet the GPA and eligibility requirements for the individual program(s) that they want to attend. - Disbursement can only be applied towards total program fees. Cash disbursements will not be made under any circumstances. - Scholarship applications received after the deadline will not be considered.





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