4.6 - 10 Reviews

Sorbonne University (Paris, France)


Sorbonne University is a university located in Paris, France offering 1 direct enrollment and exchange program and 12 programs managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad, Intensive Language, and Gap Year abroad programs.

Sorbonne University is a public research university in Paris, France, established in 2018 by the merger of Paris-Sorbonne University, Pierre et Marie Curie University, along with smaller institutions.

Study Abroad with Sorbonne University

Based on 10 Reviews
Overall Experience
February 13, 2025
Study Abroad Reviews for Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Paris
Middlebury Schools Abroad: Middlebury in Paris

Designed for students at an advanced level of French, the Middlebury C.V. Starr School in France provides opportunities to experience French culture in Paris - the cosmopo...


70 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Academic Programs Abroad (APA): Paris - Immersion for Intermediate & Advanced French Speakers
Academic Programs Abroad (APA): Paris - Immersion for Intermediate & Advanced French Speakers

Available for study abroad/gap year/leave of absence:Improve your French, take unique courses in nearly an...


7 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Academic Studies Abroad: Study Abroad in Paris, France
Academic Studies Abroad: Study Abroad in Paris, France

Paris is the most popular city in the world, based on its number of foreign visitors. With over 30 million visits per year, Paris attracts 15 times more visits than it has...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for Smith College: Paris - Smith in Paris
Smith College: Paris - Smith in Paris

This full-year program begins with a three-week orientation including courses in language, culture and contemporary history; cultural activities; and an introduction to li...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for API (Academic Programs International): Paris- Cours De Civilisation Francaise De La Sorbonne
API (Academic Programs International): Paris- Cours De Civilisation Francaise De La Sorbonne

With its history dating back to the end of World World War I, the CCFS focuses on French language instruction and introducing students to French culture and society since ...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for SUNY Oswego: Paris - La Sorbonne
SUNY Oswego: Paris - La Sorbonne

The Oswego-Binghamton-Geneseo Paris program, established in 1969, is the oldest undergraduate overseas French program in the SUNY system. The program provides an enriching...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for AIFS: Paris - Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne
Paris - Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne

Spend a semester, January term, Summer session or academic year with AIFS in the incomparable city of Pari...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for Brown University: Paris - Brown in France, University Studies Program
Brown University: Paris - Brown in France, University Studies Program

Students directly enroll in approximately five courses in the university which best meets their academic needs. It is possible to combine study at two Paris institutions a...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for SUNY Geneseo: Paris - Sorbonne
SUNY Geneseo: Paris - Sorbonne

This program is one of the oldest Study Abroad programs in the SUNY system.  Geneseo has joined with Osweg...


1 review
Study Abroad Reviews for MICEFA: Paris - Study Abroad at University of Paris - Sorbonne
MICEFA: Paris - Study Abroad at University of Paris - Sorbonne

MICEFA is an exchange program which provides complete immersion through direct enrollment in on our our 16 member universities where the student is able to take a wide var...


0 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for NRCSA: Paris - Sorbonne University
NRCSA: Paris - Sorbonne University

The Sorbonne University is located in the center of the famous Latin Quarter of Paris on the Left Bank. This is the students' and artists' quarter, but its also an area wh...


2 reviews
Study Abroad Reviews for EDUCO: Paris - EDUCO in Paris
EDUCO: Paris - EDUCO in Paris

EDUCO, a consortium of Emory, Duke, Cornell, and Tulane Universities, is a full immersion semester or year study abroad program in Paris.  The program is open to all major...


0 reviews

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