Universidad ISALUD / ISALUD University (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Universidad ISALUD / ISALUD University is a university located in Buenos Aires, Argentina offering 1 program managed by an outside provider. Programs offered include Study Abroad abroad programs.
The ISALUD University is an educational and research institution, aimed at the development of scientific-technological knowledge . It constitutes an entity guided by the institutional principles and purposes of the ISALUD Foundation which, within the framework of the widest freedom and pluralism of thoughts and disciplines, seeks to deepen the knowledge of the main current and future problems of society, in the different areas of knowledge.
The institution's values are oriented to the defense and promotion of democracy and the full validity of its institutions and the principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, social justice, collective memory and respect for human rights. Likewise, they are aimed at promoting the principle of inclusion by promoting the integral accessibility of people with disabilities, the defense of the environment and sustainable development.
As an institution linked to its environment, and with a national and international vocation, its objective is oriented to the training and development of professionals capable of intervening critically and creatively in their social environment, providing the means to obtain greater equity and well-being in the population.
Study Abroad with Universidad ISALUD / ISALUD University
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In the capital of Buenos Aires and its surrounding areas, you will explore how Argentina’s healthcare syst...
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